
Case Studies


Decrease Declines

During the onboarding process our new client imported their old transaction data into our system so our machine learning system could analyze their data....


Smart Recovery

Our client wanted to split test our Smart Decline Recovery system with a competitor. In the first month Increase Billing saved 1.7x more than the competitor....


Sick Merchant Account

Customer experiencing abnormally high Suspected Fraud declines in a newly added MID. Increase Billing system alerts the appearance of a statistically high decline type....


Machine Learning Adapts

A new client imports transaction data into our system in Late March. After switching to Increase Billing the system lowered and smoothed out the declines as percent-of-sales by intelligently....

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  • MID Optimization
  • Smart Decline Recovery
  • Safe Customer Backups
Get Started
  • MID Optimization
  • Smart Decline Recovery
  • Safe Customer Backups
  • Payment Orchestration